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What is Geospatial?

Geospatial is a combination of geography and spatial.  Geography is a science about the earth.  Spatial is about the space around us.  Geospatial describes the use of spatial analysis with geographic information.

What is Geospatial Analysis?

Geospatial analysis is the gathering, display, and manipulation of imagery, GPS, satellite photography and historical data, described explicitly in terms of geographic coordinates or implicitly, in terms of a street address, postal code, or forest stand identifier as they are applied to geographic models.

Are there any applications for Geospatial Analysis?

The many applications of geospatial analysis include crisis management, climate change modeling, weather monitoring, sales analysis, human population forecasting and animal population management.

How technologies is adapted in Geospatial?

Geospatial technologies include the Global Positioning System (GPS) and other global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), total stationsto measure angles and distances, light detection and ranging (LIDAR), remote sensing (RS, which includes multi-spectral satellite imaging and aerial ortho-photography), location-based services (LBS), computer-aided design (CAD), and geographic information systems (GIS). The industry includes basic and applied research, technology development, and applications to address all types of planning, decision-making, and operational needs of government, the private sector, science, and individuals. The market for geomatics products can be divided by level of accuracy into three segments: consumer grade, resource grade, and survey grade.


The geospatial industry produces knowledge (such as the geographic distribution of cases of malaria or of social service centers), products (such as hand-held GPS receivers or ortho-rectified digital aerial photographs), and services (such as turn-by-turn directions or storm tracking). While consumer geomatics products are very user-friendly and may require as little user input as entering an address, professional uses require significant technical training. Therefore, the educational and training activities of colleges, universities, and professional organizations are a key component of the geospatial community. Geospatial disciplines include surveying, geodesy, mapping, cartography, remote sensing, and geographic information science.

Geospatial &
Data Services

As global resources come under increasing pressure, capturing and analysing data about the world around us can help us make more informed and sustainable decisions.


We use the latest geospatial technologies and processes to capture, analyse, store, manipulate and present multiple types of spatial information to address our clients’ most complex challenges — from exploring Brunei's deep forest to find water resources, to infrastructure route optimisation projects and developing ecologically-sound urban masterplans.


Examples of our transformative solutions include developing and implementing mobile data collection solutions; managing, maintaining and analysing big data.


Learn more on GNSS and equipments.


Get to know more on our available aerial imageries. 


Learn more on which drones we use to collect Geodata(s).


Learn more on our latest and available LIDAR data.


Underground scanning 


A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is an elevation surface representing the bare earth referenced to a common vertical datum.

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